Advance care planning begins with a conversation.
Have yours today.
Whether it’s a baby on the way or your retirement plans, a family vacation, or your child’s college fund, having confidence in responding to whatever life brings you is often a matter of simple, timely and thoughtful preparation. Your approach to your own medical needs should be no different.
Your planning comes down to six easy steps:
- Communicate with the people you love and trust about the things that matter most to you.
- Understand what, and when, certain medical decisions might need to be made.
- Consider these decisions ahead of time in light of your health goals, values, and preferences.
- Gather information.
- Outline and keep revising your plan.
- Select and appoint one or two people to make health care decisions for you in the event you are even temporarily unable to make these decisions yourself.
The Conversation Starts Here
Advance care planning begins with a conversation—the first of many conversations—in which you share with those closest to you the things that matter the most. In taking that first step, you’ll be claiming responsibility for your health care future and this website, Your Life Your Wishes, is your guide to making that happen. POSSIBLE QUESTIONS TO START THE CONVERSATION:
- What do you want your loved ones to know as your most important values?
- How would you like to be remembered? For, what would you like to be remembered?
- If you could choose who to spend your final days with, who would it be?
- What is the most important thing you would want your loved ones to know if something happened to you tomorrow?
- How would you want to be cared for if you were unable to make decisions (communicate your wishes)? Who would you want to make these decisions on your behalf?

Your Plan
Life is unpredictable. Don’t get caught unprepared. Regardless of your age, it’s important to have this conversation now in preparation for whatever situations may arise.

Your Inspiration
It’s easy to put everyone else’s needs before your own, especially when you have a family. Learn more about how these community members handled similar situations.

Your Resources
We understand this matter may leave you with difficult and important questions. We’re here to help.